About StudyChamp

At StudyChamp we are both passionate about learning and about encouraging children to reach their full potential.

Complex problem solving and critical thinking are two of the top skills that will be required of future employees. These skills must be taught and practised from a young age. Gone are the days when kids are only assessed on their knowledge of a subject; interpretation and application is crucial. 

Our study materials, designed by a team of qualified teachers, are ideal to be used by busy moms, dads and tutors to ensure that children are ready for their assessments and exams.

StudyChamp workbooks and summaries explain complex concepts in a simple way and the tests and exam revision materials are designed to encourage critical thinking and application of knowledge.

Whether your child struggles or excels at school, StudyChamp is the answer. With dedicated practice kids will improve their marks and learn skills to help them become future problem solvers. 

Our Story

by StudyChamp Founder, Estelle Barnard

The saying is that education is in your blood. In my case, this is literally so. While at school, there were always friends studying with me around the dining room table and I was doing what I loved, explaining Maths and any other subjects they needed help with. Both my parents were teachers and naturally I followed in their footsteps and studied in Education after school.


When my kids entered Intermediate Phase in Primary School, I realised that they were not equipped for the demands of formal assessments. Although they had the knowledge, they lacked the ability to apply said knowledge and to re-use it in other creative ways.

I realised then that they needed practice in completing assessments.


StudyChamp was born from mock test papers designed for my kids and those of my friends. These papers not only helped them assess if they understood what they have studied, but also boosted their confidence. Although my kids were never the best students in their class, their confidence grew and tests and exams became less of a horror in our house!


Nine years later and I am still passionate about providing the best study materials to make school a little easier for kids.

A woman wearing a blue shirt and earrings is standing in front of a bush.
A close up of a piece of white paper on a white background.

The team

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