Many people think that the best, and only way to prepare for exams, is to repeatedly study the content. Although learning requires that the material should be studied, studying repeatedly is not necessary the best way to retain information.
Recent studies have found that testing yourself, while studying, is the best way to off-set forgetting.
A study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology determined that studying and testing (using practice papers) is far more effective at off-setting forgetting than just studying.
In this study, students were given material to study and everyone completed a formal assessment after three weeks.
The results of the study showed that Group 3 out-performed the other two groups by far.
This study has proven that continuous assessment of your progress in the long run benefits your retention of information.
It is important to note that the students in Group 3 did not just complete the papers, they also checked their answers and basically learnt from their mistakes.
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