Grade 4 Mid-Year Exam Bundle

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Memos at the end of each workbook or practice paper.

Included in this bundle:

Mid-year Exams:


  • Workbook 1: Place value, number value, rounding, estimation, basic operations, money and problem solving (22 pages, incl. memo)
  • Workbook 2: Common fractions, time and calendar work, length and data handling (14 pages, incl. memo)

English Home Language:

  • Comprehension and visual literacy workbook (12 pages, incl. memo)
  • Language and grammar workbook (parts of speech, punctuation, alphabetical order, dictionary work, gender, plural, collective nouns, tenses of the verb, degrees of comparison (12 pages, incl. memo)

Afrikaans First Add Language:

  • Begrip- en taalwerkboek: Getalle, kleure, meervoud, verkleining, alfabetiese volgorde, trappe van vergelyking, teenoorgesteldes, ontkenning, voorsetsels en woordsoorte (14 pages, incl. memo)
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Grade 4 Mid-Year Exam Bundle
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My daughter used a lot of the materials on the website
June 12, 2022
"My daughter used a lot of the materials on the website and was Dux scholar in Grade 7. Thank you for everything, StudyChamp!"  Tasneem Yusuf
I do believe practical applications are a crucial way of learning
June 12, 2022
"Thanks very much for awesome worksheets. I do believe practical applications are a crucial way of learning and these worksheets provided that.' Sunita Bhoora
Such a great help when it comes to studying with my son
June 12, 2022
"Your products are such a great help when it comes to studying with my son. The tests really help him a lot. Thank you for the wonderful site and products that you have. I love using StudyChamp and recommend it to all in need of that extra academic help." Sandra Lira
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