Grade 11 All Subjects Bundle

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  • Workbooks (Expressions, equations and inequalities, exponents and surds, factorisation, simplification, functions and graphs, Euclidian geometry, trigonometry, analytical geometry, number patterns
  • Worksheets and Summaries (Trigonometry graphs explained, Summary quadratic equations, equations and inequalities, Euclidean geometry, Exponents and surds, Functions - Parabola, Hyperbola and Exponential)
  • Exam Prep: Mid-year Exam Revision

(+/- 16 workbooks in total)

English Home Language:

  • Comprehension, Visual Literacy and Language in context (3)
  • Poetry workbook
  • Mid-year Exam Revision workbook

Afrikaans First Additional Language

  • Language workbooks (2)
  • Mid-year Exam Revision workbook

(More study materials to follow)

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Grade 11 All Subjects Bundle
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My daughter used a lot of the materials on the website
June 12, 2022
"My daughter used a lot of the materials on the website and was Dux scholar in Grade 7. Thank you for everything, StudyChamp!"  Tasneem Yusuf
I do believe practical applications are a crucial way of learning
June 12, 2022
"Thanks very much for awesome worksheets. I do believe practical applications are a crucial way of learning and these worksheets provided that.' Sunita Bhoora
Such a great help when it comes to studying with my son
June 12, 2022
"Your products are such a great help when it comes to studying with my son. The tests really help him a lot. Thank you for the wonderful site and products that you have. I love using StudyChamp and recommend it to all in need of that extra academic help." Sandra Lira
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