“There is a huge elephant standing in most maths classrooms – it is the idea that only some students can do well in maths. Students believe it, parents believe it and teachers believe it. The myth that maths is a gift that some students have and some do not, is one of the most damaging ideas that pervades education in the US and that stands in the way of students’ maths achievement,” Jo Boaler, Professor of Mathematics Education, Stanford University CEO: YouTubed.
If the matric results of South Africa over the last few years are to be considered, it seems true that not everyone CAN do mathematics. Of the eleven top subjects, Mathematics has been a consistent low performer, with only 37% of the students passing with 40% or above in 2018 and only 2,6% passing with distinction. The reality is that universities require 80% or above in Mathematics for certain courses in commerce, engineering, science and quantitative social studies. This makes the pool of suitable students very small. A further problem is that far too many children are dropping out of Mathematics and opting for Mathematics Literacy instead, which can seriously limit future career options.
There are no quick fix solutions to this problem. Learners’ perception of and performance in maths can only change with commitment from all parties involved: the school, the teacher, the learner and the parents.
In the article Unlocking Children’s Math Potential: 5 Research Results to Transform Math Learning by professor Jo Boaler, five areas of knowledge that have emerged from studies of the brain and learning are addressed. These results highlight the potential of every child to conquer the maths monster:
1. All students can achieve high levels
Students’ brains can adapt and grow in response to any learning opportunity. Teaching is sometimes based solely on children’s ‘ability’. Students in some schools are even divided into classes according to their perceived ability, despite decades of research that has proven that students perform better in a ‘mixed ability’ environment.
It is true, some students find maths easier and solve problems at a faster rate. It does not, however, mean that students who struggle have less potential. These students just need more instruction, opportunity and encouragement. They should not only be given routine problems to solve, but they should be encouraged to try solving complex problems, with assistance and in a no-stress, no-pressure environment.
2. Students’ ideas about their ability determine their learning pathways and maths achievement
A child’s mindset has probably the biggest influence on his or her performance in any activity they partake in. If a young child decides that he doesn’t like vegetables, nobody will convince him otherwise. In the maths class there are plenty opportunities to cement a child’s mindset. Think back to Grade 1 where everyone had a small white board and bonds had to be written down as fast as possible and revealed for all to see. The struggling student quickly realises that his or her answers are never the same as the rest of the class, or that there is never enough time to find the answer. The result is a fixed mindset: “I am not good at maths”.
A fixed mindset can be changed with patience, setting small achievable goals, private sessions (to avoid humiliation) and lots of praise and encouragement.
3. Mistakes and struggles are extremely important for learning
“Moser and colleagues (2007) showed that when students make mistakes in maths, brain activity happens that does not happen when students get work correct.”
If math tasks that are narrow and closed are given, students tend to see mathematics as a performance subject (“I am here to show what I know”). If students are given open maths tasks, they tend to see it as a learning subject (“I am here to learn something”). Mathematics lessons should include teaching of more and alternative ways to approach and solve maths problems. Mistakes in class should be encouraged and seen as a learning opportunity.
Checking and marking students’ books should also receive far more attention. The methods used when solving problems, will give a lot of insight into how the student thinks and where the thinking may have gone wrong. Assessments should not be the only time that a learner’s thought processes and mistakes are revealed.
4. Mathematics should be dissociated from speed
Emerging neuroscience points to the damage done when mathematics performance is associated with speed. Fast students are perceived as intelligent, while slow students are perceived as unintelligent.
Timed assessments, for example a five-minute multiplication tables test, have been proven to increase anxiety in students.
“Beilock and colleagues have found that when people are stressed, the stress blocks their working memory and familiar facts cannot be recalled.”
This is that feeling of your mind ‘going blank’ when having to recall facts under stress. Research also proves that exposing ‘slower thinkers’ to these timed tests will not improve their processing speed. The only outcome of these tests is an increase in anxiety.
5. Teachers’ (and parents’) messages are hugely powerful
We all know that maths teachers are key to any student’s journey and experience with mathematics. Teachers give subtle and sometimes not so subtle messages to students, which probably have the biggest influence on the maths mindsets of students.
Positive feedback that is focused on the task (Those were the right steps to follow to solve the problem, keep trying!) instead of focusing on the person (You make too many careless mistakes), will help foster the believe in a student that he or she can actually do maths.
Mathematics will always be a controversial subject. Not all children are good at art, or writing essays or sport , but society seems to expect all children to be good at maths.
It is important to note the difference between ‘everyone can do maths’ and ‘everyone can excel at maths’. With practice, patience, encouragement and guidance most students should be able to do mathematics. Just as all the very able sportsmen in school will not continue to play sport professionally, all mathematics students will not pass with a distinction.
The challenge is for parents and teachers to work together to remove all the hurdles that may stand between a student and success in maths.
Information adapted from https://bhi61nm2cr3mkdgk1dtaov18-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/teacher-article-youcubed2.pdf