Exam-time is a stressful time in most households – especially for younger kids who have not yet mastered the art of completing exams successfully.
Our motto at StudyChamp is to make school, and in this case exams, easier.
There are many tips and ideas available on how to best prepare for exams. We sum it up in three points:
Get your ducks in a row
Start early, make summaries or notes and schedule time to study.
How can StudyChamp help? Download our summaries (available for study subjects for Grades 4 to 7). Encourage your child to use these as a guideline for making their own notes.
Practise, practise, practise...
Mathematics, English and Afrikaans are subjects that require a lot of practise. Mastering difficult concepts take hours and hours of practise. Be realistic though and remember that younger children cannot study effectively for more than 35 to 40 minutes at a time.
Simulate the act of writing exams
Exams are stressful, especially if you feel unprepared. Simulate writing exams at home by downloading our exam revision workbooks and papers.
As with everything in life, if you prepare well you will reap the rewards. A child who prepares well will be less anxious and have a better chance to succeed in the exams.
Source: Test